Dyalog Webinars for April and May

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Dyalog Webinars for April and May

Postby Karen|Dyalog on Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:47 pm

These unprecedented times are presenting new challenges to lots of organisations as they try to find ways to keep people and communities connected.

Keeping in touch with customers and APL enthusiasts around the world is really important to us, especially now, with many of the usual APL events and meetups being postponed or cancelled. As a result, we at Dyalog will be increasing our online presence during the coming months and have joined with the British APL Association (BAA) to bring you a weekly APL webinar. These will be hosted by the BAA and Dyalog on alternate weeks

Please join us at 16:00 BST every Thursday, starting this week (9 April) with a BAA-hosted webinar on Molecular Dynamics presented by Richard Park.

For a full schedule of the upcoming webinars, along with topics and links, please go to the Dyalog website here https://www.dyalog.com/dates-for-your-diary.htm
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