ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Using Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation and Syncfusion WPF Libraries

ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby Dick Bowman on Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:34 pm

Anyone following my examples at is advised that ColorPicker no longer displays the specified input colour. Either Syncfusion have added a new Property which I can't find or (I suspect more likely) they've broken it.

If anyone does get this displaying properly (using the updated files supplied by Dyalog in January) please post here.
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Re: ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby PGilbert on Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:42 pm

Hello Dick, I have tried your code with version 12.4 of Syncfusion given by Dyalog and it worked perfectly as described in your documentation. Maybe Dyalog could try it also and see if it is working for them also ?
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Re: ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby Dick Bowman on Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:01 pm

I'd sent the example to Vince before posting to the Forum - he confirmed my observation that with the "new" files the initial display always shows "Transparent" while the older files show the colour as per the supplied argument.

I've just rechecked and see an initial "Transparent" (both W8.1 64-bit and on another PC with W10 64-bit and a relatively clean Dyalog install).

I suspect that there may be an interaction between Syncfusion and .NET which I don't comprehend, Vince has told me of some strange inconsistencies depending on whether he starts APL from a normal shortcut or from the Taskbar (if I recall correctly). Certainly the way .NET installs itself is a mystery to me and we could do with a definitive statement from a techy person (Dyalog?) which says "here is the folder where you should find .NET" - maybe there is such a statement and I've lost the reference.
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Re: ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby PGilbert on Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:34 am

Hello Dick, if you replace the following 3 lines in your code:

      brush←⎕NEW SolidColorBrush
brush.Color←Color.FromArgb w

with the following single line:

      window_colorpicker.Color←Color.FromArgb w

Does it work better ?
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Re: ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby Dick Bowman on Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:16 am

Bingo, that does it.

Curious that my original was working with the old Syncfusion (I remember struggling with the need to deal with a Brush and the assymmetry of my code). Actually there's a further simplification that's now possible - it looks as though there may have been a bug/blemish which Syncfusion has corrected (I wish we had a change log from them).

I'll try to put my revised code online later today.
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Re: ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby norbertjurkiewicz84 on Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:49 pm

I'll hijack the thread a bit since I found a similar issue with the SplitButtonAdv control. It worked with the older Syncfusion dll's and now with the latest Dyalog provided version (12.1450.0.43) the constructor is giving errors.

Syncfusion release notes:

This is worrisome now that we know it's not an isolated incident related to a single control.

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Re: ColorPicker broken in latest Syncfusion files

Postby Dick Bowman on Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:55 pm

Just did a quick check with the w/s I used to generate the example pages and all was well with that.

When Dyalog made a "fresh" set of 14.0 files available a few weeks ago I did a complete reinstall from there (wiping out my patched-from-original installation); that seemed to help with some of my recent Syncfusion troubles.

Something I've suggested to Dyalog a few times is some sort of "phone home" functionality which could compare file versions between a master set held at Dyalog HQ and what we have in our individual installations (so easy to miss out new versions of things like dyalognet.dll).
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