Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Using Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation and Syncfusion WPF Libraries

Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby Dick Bowman on Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:47 pm

Does anybody know how to find the class reference documentation for the above?

I see that there is a Syncfusion.RichTextBoxAdv.Wpf.dll file in the syncfusion subfolder, also that there is puffery on their website telling me how great it is. But try as I might I can't find anything in their online Class Reference "help".

I did find someone on their forum complaining about the inadequate documentation in September 2013, accompanied by a couple of "we will update it" statements.
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby PGilbert on Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:32 pm

Is that what you are looking for ?:
Code: Select all

      ⎕NEW RichTextBoxAdv
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby Dick Bowman on Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:39 pm

Thanks for that, but I'm looking for the Class Reference documentation (I guess I can scrabble around by making an object then seeing what's there in PropList and so forth - but the moaning is about how impenetrable the Syncfusion documentation is).
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby PGilbert on Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:39 pm

You are correct, it is a martyr for an APLer to find how this control is working but here is what we have found:

1. It is similar to the documentation of Microsoft 'FlowDocument'
2. If the FlowDocument is doing what you want than don't use RichTextBoxAdv
3. With RichTextBoxAdv you can insert an Image with a Base64 string natively which is not possible with a FlowDocument (natively).
4. You can bind the properties XAMLText and HTMLText of RichTextBoxAdv which is not possible with FlowDocument (good for MVVM pattern and to save your text to file as XAML or HTML).

We use it because we can mix an Image with some text and you can save everything as XAML to file (not possible with FlowDocument). Here is an example that shows that it is similar to a 'FlowDocument':

Code: Select all

 rtb←⎕NEW RichTextBoxAdv  ⍝ RichTextBoxAdv.Document
 doc←⎕NEW DocumentAdv     ⍝ DocumentAdv.Sections.Add
 sec←⎕NEW SectionAdv      ⍝ SectionAdv.Blocks.Add
 par←⎕NEW ParagraphAdv    ⍝ ParagraphAdv.Inlines.Add
 span←⎕NEW SpanAdv        ⍝ SpanAdv.Text

 span.Text←⊂'This is a line.'


 win←⎕NEW Window

This is crazy complicated to write just a single line in coded APL (the same would apply to a FlowDocument). For writing HTML text it is easy however:

Code: Select all
      rtb←⎕NEW RichTextBoxAdv
      rtb.HTMLText←'<p>Text <b>bold</b> and <i>italic </i>from Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv using HTML formatting</p>'
      win←⎕new Window

This is a big task to write a 'How to' on this control. Good Luck.
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby MikeHughes on Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:53 am

Hi Dick,
Have you changed your email address? I tried the one I have and it bounced back.

I think the best answer to this, is to contact Syncfusion and ask if the doc exists and moan if not, as they are responsible.

I think you can now do this yourself as they have started offering a "community" license for which you may qualify. This gives you an official key to help with the VS design issue you had before and it will also give you access to their support team.

Then if you get a "non-intelligible to an APLer" answer back we may be able to help with that :-D, but its probably better if you phrase the question to them in the first instance.
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby PGilbert on Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:08 pm

Mike you made me think that Syncfusion has also their documentation in PDF format that is available for download for license users. One suggestion would be that Dyalog made that available with their assemblies for download.
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby MikeHughes on Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:14 am

Hi Dick,

I have looked in the documentation and I cant see where it is so I doubt a PDF exists.

This morning I used my current license to contact their support people directly for you.

I have asked where the class documentation is and I'll let you know when and what they say.

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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby MikeHughes on Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:21 am


The standard documentation is available as to anyone, license holder or not.

I found RichTextBoxAdv there under Tools but I couldn't find it in the "Class" version of help. (a button on the right of the menu bar)

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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby Dick Bowman on Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:34 pm

Slightly belated update - I harassed Syncfusion and they have now added online documentation of RichTextBoxAdv.

There is now a small example in
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Re: Syncfusion RichTextBoxAdv Class Reference?

Postby PGilbert on Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:00 pm

Update: Syncfusion have come out with a new control called: SfRichTextBoxAdv the documentation is not online yet but they give this in the meanwhile.
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