Examples of Syncfusion and WPF

Using Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation and Syncfusion WPF Libraries

Examples of Syncfusion and WPF

Postby PGilbert on Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:44 pm

Hello everyone, there is a new category on the APL Wiki that is called http://aplwiki.com/CategorySyncfusionWpfExamples that contains examples on how to use the Syncfusion WPF library with Dyalog APL. I posted an example on how to use the XlsIo library that allows to read, write and modify an Excel file without Excel. More will be added in the coming weeks.

Everybody is welcome to contribute to this category.


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Re: Examples of Syncfusion and WPF

Postby PGilbert on Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:50 pm

Hello everyone, the Category http://www.aplwiki.com/CategorySyncfusionWpfExamples as been given some more examples and a new Category was added http://www.aplwiki.com/CategoryDyalogDotNetUtilities

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