Forest Seminar of FinnAPL on 15-16 April

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Forest Seminar of FinnAPL on 15-16 April

Postby KimmoLinna on Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:21 am

The annual Forest Seminar of FinnAPL will be held on 15-16 April 2010 at the Haikon Kartano ( in Porvoo about a half an hour from Helsinki airport. The seminar agenda will include at least thefollowing presentations: Dyalog APL version 12.1 by Morten Kromberg, kdb+ by Simon Garland and Windows 7, Microsoft SQL Express, Azure and .Net 4 by Microsoft Finland, Fully integrated SharpPlot in session by Adrian Smith and Domain Specific Languages by Walter Fil.

Seminar will cost 250 euros including meals and sauna but excluding accommodation. The accommodation is about 130 euros in single room and 180 euros in double room per night. We hope that you make a room reservation directly from Haikon Kartano, Tel +358 19 576 01 | Fax
+358 19 576 0399 | Just mention you are coming to the FinnAPL seminar so you will get the correct price. ;)

Contact Kimmo Linna for further details and registration:

Preliminary agenda:


9.00– 9.15 Opening words ja morning coffee/Kimmo Linna

9.15–10.00 Unicode/Veli-Matti Jantunen

10.15-12.00 News from Dyalog/Gitte Christensen & Morten Kromberg

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-17.00 Microsoft

Windows 7/Sampo Lehtiniemi

SQL Express/Pasi Mäkinen

Azure and .Net 4/Markko Hotti

17.00-17.15 FinnAPL meeting

17.15-19.00 Sauna

19.00-22.00 Dinner


9.00- 9.15 Morning coffee

9.15-10.00 Domain Specific Languages Walter Fil

10.15-12.00 KX systems/Simon Garland

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-14.30 User Interfaces in Dyalog and APL#/ Morten Kromberg

14.45-16.15 Sharpplot in Session/Adrian Smith
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Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:16 pm

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