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Postby sjt on Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:16 pm

Exploring -- for pedagogy -- the theme of the simplest possible app, I drafted the world's worst screensaver, attached.

I'm both using ⎕NEW instead of ⎕WC, and writing a class that inherits the GUI Form. I figure this approach most familiar to a non-APL reader. It's years since I last... and I've forgotten how to... and I've failed to rediscover from the user manuals...

1. Clicking the Kill button invokes the callback ShutShop. That worked: when I interrupt I find closed set to 1. But the app continues to loop.

2. I should be able to run the main event loop from a Timer with a callback to WhiteNoise instead of the dumb loop on ⎕DL. So far I've failed to create a Timer using ⎕NEW.

Any advice or thoughtswelcome.

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Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:26 am

Re: SnowCrash

Postby sjt on Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:51 am

Of course not attached. Class here.

      :Class SnowCrash:'Form'

∇ Make0;points;cmap;bits
:Access Public
:Implements Constructor
(Coord Size points)←'Pixel'(300 400)(0 0)
cmap←0 128 192 255['0234'⍳16 3⍴'000200020220002202022222333400040440004404044444'] ⍝ 16-colour map
im.Picture.(Points CMap Bits)←points cmap bits
⍝ onTimer←'WhiteNoise'
⍝ tm←⎕NEW'Timer'(⊂'Interval'(1000÷24))
im.Picture.Bits←15×(?Size⍴2)-×⎕DL÷24 ⍝ 24 frames per second
:Until closed
⎕←'all done'

∇ Z←ShutShop

⍝ ∇ WhiteNoise
⍝ im.Picture.Bits←15×(?Size⍴2)-1
⍝ ∇

Posts: 21
Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:26 am

Re: SnowCrash

Postby Dick Bowman on Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:37 pm

Off the top of my head all I see that's strange is your onTimer line (which seems to be in the wrong place and have the wrong parent - but I may bemisunderstanding).

tm←⎕NEW 'Timer' (⊂'Interval' (1000+24))

behaves itself for me.

But I'd expect to follow that with tm.onTimer to make exciting things happen.

Bitter experience tells me to heed the warning in the Timer object documentation.
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Dick Bowman
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Re: SnowCrash

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:23 pm

Hi Stephen,

I think that you need some sort of ⎕DQ in the :repeat :until loop so that Dyalog can process the event messages.

Kai has a ∆DQ method which Paul Mansour posted in this thread: Automated GUI Testing viewtopic.php?f=19&t=913#p3533

I've taken out your image code and I use a label with a timer which updates the label's text.

      :Class SnowCrash:'Form'

∇ Make0;points;cmap;bits
:Access Public
:Implements Constructor
(Coord Size points)←'Pixel'(300 400)(0 0)



lb←⎕NEW'Label'(⊂'size'(30 200))
:Until closed
2 ⎕NQ ⎕THIS'Close'
⎕←'all done'

∆DQ←{ ⍝ Dequeue form ⍵ for ⍺ seconds
⍺←0 ⍝ Default delay
_←⍵.⎕WS'Event' 9955 1 ⍝ Exit ⎕DQ on 9955
_←⍺{_←⎕DL ⍺ ⋄ ⎕NQ ⍵ 9955}&⍵ ⍝ Thread enqueued event
_←⍵.Wait ⍝ Wait for ⍺ seconds

∇ Z←ShutShop
⎕←'ShutShop called'
Z←0 ⍝ we'll close it ourselves

∇ WhiteNoise



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